Consultations for women
Gynaecological department – From the very beginning of ARS Medical company the Gynaecological department functioned as a separate structure. During this period it has become one of the most professional and modern ambulatory gynaecology departments in Latvia, introducing the latest technologies and treatment methods.
The department’s main fields of work are:
Diagnostics and treatment of gynaecological illness;
Gynaecological outpatient surgery;
Gynaecological disease screening and prevention (including HPV vaccine);
Family planning and birth control consultation;
Diagnosis and treatment of infertility;
Prenatal care;
Assistance for women during periods of hormonal changes
(premenstrual symptoms, menopause etc.).
Breast disease diagnosis
Aesthetic gynecology

Gynaecologist Dace Matule
The head of the department is gynaecologist, obstetrician Dr. Dace MATULE
The Gynaecological departments employs 18 gynaecologists, so it’s logical that our patients might wonder which specialist they should choose? We have considered women of all ages, from teenagers to those over 60.
Many specialists have an in-depth knowledge of specific gynaecological fields:
- regarding ENDOCRINOLOGICAL PROBLEMS consult gynaecologist-endocrinologist:
- GYNAECOLOGICAL SURGERY – gynaecologists Dr. Kristians ŠUŠPANOVS, Dr. Dace MELKA, Dr. Dace MATULE, Dr. Daiga BARANOVSKA
- For consultaions regarding FERTILITY consult:
- Quality care and a very sympathetic attitude towards teenagers and young pregnant women is provided by:
Every year more than 400 pregnant women choose ARS. By working together, our physicians and midwives are able to provive the appropriate care for each individual patient. We offer fetus heartbeat recording and analysis using the latest medical technology.
Childbirth education classes are run by the knowlegable and understanding midwives Sandra NEILANDE and Jelena LENDELE.
Dace MELKA provides consultations and further treament in case of genital prolapse or urinary incontinence.
Daiga BARANOVSKA and Jana ŽODŽIKA are highly experienced specialists at diagnosing uterine cavity pathologies and their treatment with endoscopical methods. Laser therapy is used in many gyneacological illness treatments and for formation removal. Laser therapy is professiona
lly performed during Larisa ANTONOVA’s consultations.
Every day, four top class gyneacologists and specialists of sonography offer fetal and pelvic sonographical examinations for pathologic diagnosis. We devote special attention to first and second trimester sonographical examinations. For pregnant women we offer not only standard sonography, but also 3-D and 4-D sonographical examinations, which means that we obtain three-dimensional and moving three-dimensional images during the ultrasound examination. 3-D and 4-D ultrasound is used for the vizualization of the fetus’ superficial structures. For example, the additional examination for facial development abnormalities in case of skeletal malformation (abnormalities in the skeleton’s development). This type of sonography has been used in Latvia since April 2005. In ARS, Dr. Dace EZERIŅA is responsible for performing 3-D and 4-D sonographical examinations.
The E.Gulbja laborotory is located in the same building as the ARS gynaecological department, so our patients can quickly and easily make an analysis and our doctors can promptly receive their results.
There are also other examinations and specialist consultations available:
- Mammography;
- Breast sonography;
- EKG;
- Magnetic resonance imaging, and other examinations.
The following scheduled surgical operations can be performed in our outpatient surgery:
- Gynaecological laparoscopical surgery;
- Dilation and curettage (Utarine cavities curettage).
ARS Medical company is currently the only ambulatory institution where conization of the cervix and hysteroscopy can be performed as outpatient surgery.
In ARS Medical company, are available vaccines of HPV.
For the convinience and benefit of busy patients, we also offer HPV vaccines on Saturdays.