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Maternity Care

Future parents always worry – and always will worry – about their baby’s health and development. This of course includes not only the health of the baby but also the health and well-being of its mother during pregnancy and after the childbirth.

This is easy to understand. And our specialists will be there to take care of you and your baby from the beginning of the pregnancy till the time of delivery of the child. Regular visits to the doctor and the midwife will ensure that the health of both the mother and the baby is checked carefully. This includes performing any tests that may be necessary, and ultrasound examination.

To ensure that the pregnancy and the childbirth is successful, we provide:

  • Consultations by a doctor and midwife on a regular basis (once a month or more frequently if so required);
  • Screening tests (laboratory tests, in-depth foetal ultrasound examination according to the latest guidelines used worldwide) and assessment of the results;
  • Inviting other specialists and performing additional tests if necessary (impaired glucose tolerance, gestational diabetes, elevated blood pressure and in other cases);
  • Cardiotocography (CTG);
  • Maternity training courses;
  • Post-natal examination by a specialist.

Specialists at our clinic co-operate with specialists of the Maternity Department of the P. Stradins Clinical University Hospital and specialists of the Maternity Hospital to ensure the best assistance in connection with childbirth. Every year we take care of more than 400 pregnant women at our department and assist in the delivery of babies. We welcome these babies as if they were babies of our own.



During pregnancy, oxygen consumption increases in the woman’s body. Most of the oxygen is consumed by the future mother’s body. In order to ensure an amount of oxygen that is sufficient for the foetal development, it is very important to breathe properly; breathing exercises are just as important as physical activity during pregnancy. The purpose of breathing exercises is:

  • Stabilisation of the pulse rate;
  • Stabilisation of the blood pressure;
  • Normalisation of metabolism;
  • Reduction of muscle pain;
  • Improvement of blood circulation.

Learning proper breathing techniques will help the body to cope with the sense of discomfort successfully, increase the ability to understand one’s body, and teach how to gain extra energy and relax.

Sessions of physiotherapeutic exercises take place at ARS Health Centre
11/13 R. Blaumana Street in Riga.
Phone: +371 27827224 or +371 67699369.

Times of the gymnastics group classes are avialable here